版本发布时间: 2022-06-11 19:55:05
lapce/lapce最新发布版本:nightly(2024-11-19 08:50:55)
This release focus on the look of Lapce! We've added theme colours and some UI sizes or styles in the config. And you can export them as a theme file. And theme plugin is supported as well.
To learn more, here is the documentation for developing a theme plugin for Lapce: https://docs.lapce.dev/development/theme
1、 Lapce-linux.tar.gz 13.14MB
2、 Lapce-macos.dmg 27.76MB
3、 lapce-proxy-linux.gz 6.58MB
4、 Lapce-windows-portable.zip 11.54MB
5、 Lapce-windows.msi 11.78MB