版本发布时间: 2014-11-03 23:28:58
RT-Thread/rt-thread最新发布版本:v5.1.0(2024-04-22 14:50:37)
The v2.0.0 series is an active branch for new feature development. The rc version is a release candidate, which introduce new features as:
- The GDB stub implementation in ARM Cortex-A8 (beaglebone board) and Cortex-M4 (stm32f40x) -- wzyy2;
- The lwIP head version porting by hduffddybz. In the newest lwIP version, the dual TCP/IPv4, v6 protocol stack is implemented.
- In order to provide more support in smart and small device, a generic and Android-able sensor framework is provided. In the same time, C++ support was introduced to support writing sensor driver with C++.
(The GDB stub and lwIP head is the achievement from OS camp, which sponsored by CSDN)
Some new BSP:
- The Cortex-M3 porting in CME-M7 FPGA (CME-M7 FPGA - from Capital Microelectronics Co. Ltd.)
- The Spansion FM4, MB9BF568r porting;
Other bugs fixed...