


版本发布时间: 2017-06-16 17:32:51

intel-analytics/ipex-llm最新发布版本:v2.4.0(2023-11-13 10:02:20)

Release Notes

  1. Use bigdl as the top level package name for all bigdl python module
  2. Allow user to change the model in the optimizer
  3. Allow user to define a model in python API
  4. Allow user to invoke BigDL scala code from python in 3rd prject
  5. Allow user to use BigDL random generator in python
  6. Allow user to use forward/backward method in python
  7. Add BiRnn layer to python
  8. Remove useless CriterionTable layer
  1. Load in the class load phase
  2. Support python 3.5
  3. Initialize gradient buffer at the start of backward to reduce the memory usage
  4. Auto pack python dependency in yarn cluster mode
  1. Fix optimizer continue without failure after retry maximum number
  2. Fix LookupTable python API throw noSuchMethod error
  3. Fix an addmv bug for 1x1 matrix
  4. Fix lenet python example error
  5. Fix python load text file encoding issue
  6. Fix HardTanh performance issue
  7. Fix data may distribute unevenly in vgg example when input partition is too large
  8. Fix a bug in SpatialDilatedConvolution
  9. Fix a bug in BCECriterion loss function
  10. Fix a bug in Add layer
  11. Fix runtime error when run BigDL on Pyspark 1.5

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