


版本发布时间: 2022-05-20 04:58:38

kubernetes-sigs/kind最新发布版本:v0.22.0(2024-02-15 07:30:47)

v0.14.0 is quick follow-up to v0.13.0, upgrading packages and fixing cgroups on some non-systemd-based hosts such as WSL2 and Alpine based tools like colima and rancher-desktop.

Besides the cgroups fix, the update to the latest version of the local-path-provisioner may be a desirable upgrade worth noting with various downstream improvements.

Be sure to see the previous release notes as well!

Breaking Changes

NOTE: The systemd change is from KIND v0.13.0, but we're re-iterating it here since v0.13.0 was so recent.

New Features

New Node images have been built for kind v0.14.0, please use these exact images (IE like kindest/node:v1.24.0@sha256:0866296e693efe1fed79d5e6c7af8df71fc73ae45e3679af05342239cdc5bc8e including the digest) or build your own as we may need to change the image format again in the future :sweat_smile:

Images built for this release:

NOTE: these node images support amd64 and arm64. It remains possible to build custom images for other architectures (see the docs).



Thank you to everyone who contributed to this release! ❤️

Users whose commits are in this release (alphabetically by user name)

A special shoutout to these folks who helped report, test, and review the systemd cgroups fix:

And thank you very much to everyone else not listed here who contributed in other ways like filing issues, giving feedback, testing fixes, helping users in slack, etc. 🙏

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 kind-darwin-amd64 6.3MB

2、 kind-darwin-amd64.sha256sum 84B

3、 kind-darwin-arm64 6.27MB

4、 kind-darwin-arm64.sha256sum 84B

5、 kind-linux-amd64 6.35MB

6、 kind-linux-amd64.sha256sum 83B

7、 kind-linux-arm64 6.29MB

8、 kind-linux-arm64.sha256sum 83B

9、 kind-linux-ppc64le 6.3MB

10、 kind-linux-ppc64le.sha256sum 85B

11、 kind-linux-s390x 6.74MB

12、 kind-linux-s390x.sha256sum 83B

13、 kind-windows-amd64 6.31MB

14、 kind-windows-amd64.sha256sum 85B
