版本发布时间: 2022-05-13 18:42:59
eminiarts/nova-tabs最新发布版本:2.2.3(2022-10-26 03:59:06)
What's Changed
- Fixed padding issues
- Fixed codemirror fields and styles
- Added withSlug function to Tabs panel
- withSlug takes a boolean/string parameter. If true will slugify the panel name, if a string it will use that string as the panel slug
- HasTabs mixin checks for non-null slug and uses it instead of name
- adds preservedName variable to retain the name after the parent panel is created
- HasTabs Trait gets slug on panel recreation
- Fixed naming issue for mix.js conflicting with "mix" command in some environments
- Added the ability to retain the current tab when swapping between detail and edit views using Tabs::make()->rememberTabs()
@marcfilipan @ianrobertsFF @stepanenko3