版本发布时间: 2022-05-08 21:50:59
jgthms/bulma最新发布版本:1.0.2(2024-07-25 23:02:20)
New features
- Responsive buttons: the size of a button will change for each breakpoint (Fix #1572)
@mixin between
: takes 2 breakpoint values, outputs a media query for the range between these 2 values -
Sass map: a map of named breakpoints and their type (from
or both) -
@mixin breakpoint
: uses the new$breakpoints
Sass map to output a media query
- Add missing variables for content customization
- Fix #683 Modal - example javascript toggle
- Fix #3461 Bulma logo with wordmark in SVG
- Fix #3383 'Variables' sections on docs page (#3513)
- Fixes #3510 The navbar overlaps with sidebars in "Fullheight hero with navbar" (#3516)
- Setup Cypress testing (#3436)
- Replace disabled attr on pagination anchor elements with is-disabled
- #3500 Fix hidden disabled buttons on iOS 15.4 (#3521)
- #3076 Fix Table headers centered aligned in Safari
1、 bulma-0.9.4.zip 222.74KB