


版本发布时间: 2022-05-04 21:50:37

canonical/microk8s最新发布版本:installer-v2.3.4(2023-10-23 22:28:51)

Most important updates since the last release:

Users following the latest stable MicroK8s track will be automatically upgraded to v1.24 in the next few days. Those who want to upgrade their existing clusters can follow the instructions in our docs.

Note: In this release selfLink is removed from upstream Kubernetes, therefore if you run an old hostpath-provisioner (version 1.0.0) its pod will start crashlooping. If this is the case please reenable the hostpath-storage addon with microk8s disable hostpath-storage and microk8s enable hostpath-storage. When disabling the addon you will be asked if you want to keep the already provisioned persistence volume claims.

For more information on MicroK8s consult the official docs or talk to us on the Kubernetes Slack, in the #microk8s channel!

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