版本发布时间: 2022-04-22 18:20:47
Sylius/Sylius最新发布版本:v2.0.0-ALPHA.2(2024-09-24 19:59:39)
- #13601 Use the Gaufrette FilesystemInterface instead of a concrete implementation (@GSadee, @mbabker)
- #13841 [Maintenance] Add note to UPGRADE file about dropping Symfony 5.2 support (@GSadee)
- #13848 [DOCS] Update index tip (@arti0090)
- #13852 [Maintenance] Run the build on tags rather than on releases (@Zales0123)
- #13857 [DOC] Bump minimal PHP version needed to install Sylius (@Roshyo)
- #13865 [Cart] Add Validator for localeCode (@SirDomin)
- #13866 [Maintenance] Relax conflict on liip imagine bundle - rebased version (@Nek-)
- #13867 [Template][Events] Sylius template events - improvements (@ernestWarwas)
- #13870 [ShippingMethod] Change shipping rule to be based on items total instead of order total (@GSadee, @mdevlamynck)
- #13878 [Template] Variant name instead of product name (@ernestWarwas)
- #13886 [Templates][Admin] Refactor order payments template to use events (@coldic3)
- #13888 [Documentation] Fix the description of items total shipping rules (@GSadee)
- #13890 [maintenance]Fix ECS HeaderCommentFixer (@Ferror)
- #13891 [maintenance]Run ECS in parallel (@Ferror)