版本发布时间: 2022-01-31 02:42:16
a-h/templ最新发布版本:v0.2.778(2024-09-08 17:08:20)
af7fe71 encode version used to generate template (#34) e158d02 feat: add pprof flag to enable profiling at runtime of the LSP 0a04450 feat: switch to https://github.com/joe-davidson1802/xc/ 17fe039 fix: parse failure when template files are > 8KB in size
1、 checksums.txt 1001B
2、 checksums.txt.sig 310B
3、 templ_0.0.159_Darwin_arm64.tar.gz 2.44MB
4、 templ_0.0.159_Darwin_x86_64.tar.gz 2.49MB
5、 templ_0.0.159_Linux_arm64.tar.gz 2.22MB
6、 templ_0.0.159_Linux_armv6.tar.gz 2.23MB
7、 templ_0.0.159_Linux_i386.tar.gz 2.24MB
8、 templ_0.0.159_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz 2.42MB
9、 templ_0.0.159_Windows_arm64.tar.gz 2.23MB
10、 templ_0.0.159_Windows_armv6.tar.gz 2.26MB
11、 templ_0.0.159_Windows_i386.tar.gz 2.3MB
12、 templ_0.0.159_Windows_x86_64.tar.gz 2.42MB