


版本发布时间: 2022-01-28 07:48:35

ValveSoftware/GameNetworkingSockets最新发布版本:v1.4.1(2022-06-17 03:46:17)

Version 1.4.0 adds support for multiple lanes, improves compliance with vcpkg best practices, and has numerous smaller bugfixes and improvements.

This brings the library in sync with the Steamworks SDK version 153a.

Multi-lane support

"Lanes" can be used to control head-of-line blocking behaviour. You can control the priority level of each lane and how bandwidth should be shared between different lanes.

Lanes are similar to what QUIC calls "streams", and what other networking APIs call "channels".

See ISteamNetworkingSockets::ConfigureConnectionLanes for details.

Misc bugfixes / improvements

Other changes

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