


版本发布时间: 2022-01-24 20:45:18

prowler-cloud/prowler最新发布版本:4.3.7(2024-09-24 03:55:00)

This release name is in honor of Brave New World, a great song of 🔥Iron Maiden🔥 from their Brave New World album. Dedicated to all of you looking forward to having the world we had before COVID... We hope is not hitting you bad. Enjoy!

Important changes in this version (read this!):

New Features

7.160 [extra7160] Check if Redshift has automatic upgrades enabled - redshift [Medium]
7.161 [extra7161] Check if EFS have protects sensative data with encryption at rest - efs [Medium]
7.162 [extra7162] Check if CloudWatch Log Groups have a retention policy of 365 days - cloudwatch [Medium]
7.163 [extra7163] Check if Secrets Manager key rotation is enabled - secretsmanager [Medium]
7.164 [extra7164] Check if CloudWatch log groups are protected by AWS KMS  - logs [Medium]
7.165 [extra7165] Check if DynamoDB: DAX Clusters are encrypted at rest - dynamodb [Medium]
7.166 [extra7166] Check if Elastic IP addresses with associations are protected by AWS Shield Advanced - shield [Medium]
7.167 [extra7167] Check if Cloudfront distributions are protected by AWS Shield Advanced - shield [Medium]
7.168 [extra7168] Check if Route53 hosted zones are protected by AWS Shield Advanced - shield [Medium]
7.169 [extra7169] Check if global accelerators are protected by AWS Shield Advanced - shield [Medium]
7.170 [extra7170] Check if internet-facing application load balancers are protected by AWS Shield Advanced - shield [Medium]
7.171 [extra7171] Check if classic load balancers are protected by AWS Shield Advanced - shield [Medium]



New Contributors

Full Changelog:

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