版本发布时间: 2017-03-14 23:58:23
devjin0617/vue2-admin-lte最新发布版本:v0.4.3(2017-11-28 17:31:10)
develop version
Notable Changes
- add library to jquery, boostrap and admin-lte
- add basic components, widgets
- some example pages
Component List
- Alert
- Button
- Callout
- Chart
- ColorPaletteSet
- Modal
Widget List
- Box
- Calendar
- ChatBox
- DirectChat
- DirectChatContact
- DirectChatItem
- InfoBox
- QuickMail
- SmallBox
- SocialBox
- SocialBoxComment
- SocialUser v1
- SocialUser v2
- TodoList
- UserList
Layout List
- Alert example
- API example
- Chart example
- Dashboard v1
- Dashboard v2
- InfoBox example
- Modal example
- Widgets example
- General page
- Buttons page