版本发布时间: 2017-03-12 07:24:09
github-tools/github最新发布版本:3.4.0(2021-01-25 11:10:52)
- #276 Bad URL for UMD Boilerplate Code in github.js - [closed]
- #267 Support endpoints that return objects in _requestAllPages - [closed]
- #259 node-XMLHttpRequest doesn't work in AMD (and breaks Webpack, and possibly Browserify) - [bug][priority 1 (highest)]
- #258 Why karma-phantomjs-launcher is in the "dependencies" ? - [bug]
- #252 Fix dependency/UMD strategy - [enhancement][priority 1 (highest)]
- #245 The library should specify browsers supported - [enhancement][needs documentation][priority 2 (high)]
- #233 Return a Promise instead of accepting callbacks - [enhancement]
- #227 Callback 'cb' Required - [needs documentation]
- #205 Add starring for repositories - [enhancement][priority 3 (medium)]
- #176 Replace "that" variables with .bind() - [enhancement][priority 4 (low)]
- #137 RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. - [bug][priority 2 (high)]
- #85 repo.update is missing - [priority 3 (medium)]