版本发布时间: 2017-02-22 02:04:17
DonnchaC/onionbalance最新发布版本:0.1.8(2017-05-03 00:10:46)
The major change in this release is a fix for a bug which caused instance descriptor fetching to fail when the same instance onion address was listed under multiple master onion addresses. The release also includes a reliability improvement where OnionBalance will try to reconnect to the Tor control port if it loses it's connection.
- Add functionality to reconnect to the Tor control port while OnionBalance is running. Thank you to Ceysun Sucu for the patch. #45
- Fix bug where instance descriptors were not updated correctly when an instance address was listed under multiple master service. #49
- Improve performance by only requesting each unique instance descriptor once per round, rather once for each time it was listed in the config file. #51
- Fix bug where an exception was raised when the status socket location did not exist.
- Improve the installation documentation for Debian and Fedora/EPEL installations.
1、 onionbalance-0.1.7.tar.gz 134.85KB
2、 onionbalance-0.1.7.tar.gz.sig 415B