版本发布时间: 2021-12-14 08:28:13
google-ai-edge/mediapipe最新发布版本:v0.10.15(2024-08-31 03:09:23)
- MediaPipe Hands, Face Detection, and Face Mesh Android Solutions are now available in Google's Maven Repository.
- The Android Studio example project is available in mediapipe/examples/android/solutions.
- MediaPipe Hands models are updated.
- MediaPipe Hands now supports outputting world landmarks in world coordinates.
MediaPipe Dependencies
- MediaPipe Python wheels are now supporting Python 3.10.
- The MediaPipe dependency library protobuf, tensorflow, cere solver, pybind, and apple support are updated.
- The recommended Bazel version is updated to 4.2.1.
- The recommended Android SDK and NDK versions are updated.