版本发布时间: 2021-12-02 15:00:49
alibaba/spring-cloud-alibaba最新发布版本:2022.0.0.2(2024-12-12 10:08:13)
⭐️ Features / Enhancements
- [RocketMQ] Merged 2.2.5-RocketMQ-RC.RELEASE to 2.2.7.RELEASE(#2302)
- [Sidecar] SidecarHealthChecker added CustomerHandler(#2208)
- [Nacos] NacosServiceRegistry optimization(#2185)
- [Nacos] NacosWatch optimization(#1194)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- [Common] Fixed contact infomation invalid(#2278)
- [RocketMQ] Fixed variable judgment bug(#2258)
- [Nacos] Fixed NacosWatch can't be shutdown(#2253)
- [Nacos Config] Fixed document content wrong(#2227)
- [Common] Fixed document content wrong(#2202)
- [Consul] Fixed register metadata to Consul failed(#2157)
📔 Reference Document
2.2.7.RELEASE is compatible with Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR12, cheers!🍺
Spring Cloud Alibaba is live on Spring Initializr and Aliyun Java Initializr now!
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- [Dubbo] Upgrade to Dubbo 2.7.13(#2249)
- [Spring Cloud] Upgrade to Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR12(#2242)
- [Spring Boot] Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.3.12.RELEASE(#2242)
- [Nacos] Upgrade to Nacos 2.0.3(#2241)
❤️ Contributors
Thanks for the contributors who worked on this release!
- @zkzlx
- @steverao
- @yuhuangbin
- @mercyblitz
- @panzhi33
- @Pengfei-Lu
- @theonefx
- @misselvexu