版本发布时间: 2021-11-28 18:52:41
Atem18/kraky最新发布版本:2023.08.17(2023-08-17 20:00:05)
You need to change from KrakyApiClient to KrakyApiAsyncClient in order to continue using it as before.
KrakyApiClient is to be used in a sync context and KrakyApiAsyncClient in an async context.
What's Changed
- fix(deps): update dependency websockets to v10 by @renovate in https://github.com/Atem18/kraky/pull/51
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v2.4.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/Atem18/kraky/pull/52
- fix(ci/cd): change tox command by @Atem18 in https://github.com/Atem18/kraky/pull/54
- fix(deps): update dependency httpx to ^0.21.0 by @renovate in https://github.com/Atem18/kraky/pull/55
- feat(sync): Kraky API can now work in sync and async mode by @Atem18 in https://github.com/Atem18/kraky/pull/56
Full Changelog: https://github.com/Atem18/kraky/compare/2021.10.19...2021.11.28