


版本发布时间: 2021-10-23 11:13:08

AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-dotnet最新发布版本:4.61.0(2024-05-10 04:33:31)


New Features:

MSAL.NET now logs an error when common or organizations authority is used in AcquireTokenForClient. See #2887.
Added the ability to enable sending the certificate (as x5c) once when building the confidential client application, rather than on every single token acquisition request. See #2804.
Added additional methods to help create WwwAuthenticateParameters and get tenant ID by calling GetTenantId. See #2907, #2922.
Added an additional async overload for ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.CreateClientAssertion. See #2863.
Added an ability to enable a shared token cache between different MSAL client application instances, which can be set with the new WithCacheOptions API call. See Enabling shared cache, #2849.
Added an AuthenticationResult.AuthenticationResultMetadata.TokenEndpoint property from which you can derive which authority was effectively used to fetch the token. This can be used to determine if regional endpoint was used. See #2830.
Added a cache refresh reason and time remaining before proactive token refresh to AuthenticationResult.AuthenticationResultMetadata. See #2832.
Added the ability to specify tenant ID instead of the full authority at the token acquisition APIs level with WithTenantId. See #2280.

Bug Fixes:

Improved support for calling regional endpoints, especially in Azure Functions. See #2803.
Fixed a NullReferenceException when callingAcquireTokenInteractive with a login hint when using .WithBroker on Windows (WAM). See #2903.
Improved the error message when the application is throttled by the identity provider. See #2855.
When proactive token refresh is enabled, MSAL.NET now refreshes the tokens on a background thread to improve performance. See #2795.
Improved caching performance by adding partitioning to the default in-memory user cache used in user flows (like acquire token on-behalf-of, by authorization code). See #2861, #2881.
Improved performance by refactoring date handling when working with access tokens. See #2893.
Fixed a Non-HTTPS URL redirect is not supported in webview exception on Xamarin iOS for Facebook logins. See #2735.
Enabled setting the window title in WebView1 desktop browser. See #2936.
Added WithPrompt to the GetAuthorizationRequestUrl builder to give the ability to specify the interaction experience for the user. See #2896.
Added a more descriptive error message when WithAuthority is set at the request level and WithAzureRegion is used. See #2965.

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