


版本发布时间: 2021-10-25 22:44:47

prusa3d/PrusaSlicer最新发布版本:version_2.7.4(2024-04-05 19:55:59)

PrusaSlicer PrusaSlicer 2.4.0-beta1


This is the first beta release of PrusaSlicer 2.4.0, following 2.4.0-alpha1, 2.4.0-alpha2 and 2.4.0-alpha3. This beta mostly fixes bugs found in alpha3. For new features in the 2.4.0 series, please read the release logs of the 2.4.0 alphas.

To let you enjoy the beta without worries, the beta builds save their profiles into PrusaSlicer-beta directory, so you may use the beta side by side with the current release without ruining your production configuration. If upgrading from any of the PrusaSlicer 2.4.0 alpha release, you may consider to rename your PrusaSlicer-alpha directory to PrusaSlicer-beta.

Send system info

In order to focus our future effort, we decided to optionally collect some general information about the systems PrusaSlicer is commonly executed on. Such system information will help us to deprecate support of obsolete platforms in order to concentrate on up to date hardware and operating systems to reduce maintenance cost, improve PrusaSlicer performance and to bring up new features. Please help us by submitting your system configuration to us, otherwise it may happen that we will deprecate support of some old or not so common systems too early.

The system configuration data collected is strictly anonymous and the full content of the data collected is available to the user for review from the new "Send system info" dialog. A unique system identifier is generated for the machine submitting the system configuration to identify duplicate records submitted multiple times by the same machine. The unique system identifier is anonymized by hashing with MD5 and salted with a "salt", which is unique to the "system info" service. We believe our method is sufficiently anonymous, however we are certainly open to suggestions by the security experts.

When connected to internet, a dedicated dialog will open on application start up (or second application startup, if Configuration Wizard is opened on first start-up), showing exactly what information PrusaSlicer collects. When confirmed, the data is sent to our server using a secure channel (SSL) and the dialog no more shows up at the following application start-ups. No other data than those presented by the "Send system info" dialog are submitted, and it is not possible to trace one's identity based on the data submitted. One can of course decline to submit the system information data.

FDM support improvements with respect to PrusaSlicer 2.4.0-alpha3

FDM supports were improved significantly in PrusaSlicer 2.4.0 alphas. In beta1, the FDM supports were improved further.

A conventional FDM support generator generates support towers based on the differences between successive object layers and PrusaSlicer's support generator is not different. Such a local algorithm often either produces excessive supports, or it does not support long thin features at all. While we are working on a smarter algorithm that takes global geometry of an object into account, it will take us some time to make it ship shape. In the meantime, we made some adjustments to the current local algorithm. Namely, the FDM support generator algorithm was designed before introduction of the support blockers / enforcers and paint-on supports, thus it tried to be smart about not introducing too much supports while not missing supports below thin features, however such algorithm behaved unintuitively. Thus in this release, we switched off some of the unintuitive filtering steps and we rather rely on the user giving hints to the support generator using the support blockers / enforcers and paint-on supports.

We are still fine tuning our print profiles for the new "snug" supports. The "snug" supports behave differently than the old "grid" supports. You may want to experiment with different gaps between object and support interfaces, also the "snug" supports may require more interface layers than the "grid" supports to produce wide enough regions to be printable FDM technology.

Improvements of painting gizmos

Seam improvements

When possible, PrusaSlicer newly places seams on internal perimeters close to external seams, reducing travel moves and retractions. For leaky extruders, bowden setups and leaky materials (PET, PVA) reducing travel between perimeters reduces gaps at their starts. The seams between the nested perimeters are not aligned exactly, but they are staggered by a short distance to reduce bulge of the outer most seam #6790, #6400, #6741, #6494, #6186, #5149.

Other improvements with respect to PrusaSlicer 2.4.0-alpha3

Bugs fixed

Build, infrastructure

What is in the working

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 PrusaSlicer-2.4.0-beta1+linux-armv7l-202110251318.tar.bz2 39.33MB

2、 PrusaSlicer-2.4.0-beta1+linux-x64-202110251331.AppImage 46.8MB

3、 PrusaSlicer-2.4.0-beta1+linux-x64-202110251331.tar.bz2 41.43MB

4、 PrusaSlicer-2.4.0-beta1+linux-x64-GTK3-202110251340.AppImage 46.79MB

5、 PrusaSlicer-2.4.0-beta1+linux-x64-GTK3-202110251340.tar.bz2 41.44MB

6、 PrusaSlicer-2.4.0-beta1+universal-202110251325.dmg 59.02MB

7、 45.73MB

8、 49.26MB
