


版本发布时间: 2021-10-22 05:27:54

PowerShell/PowerShell最新发布版本:v7.4.3(2024-06-19 07:13:56)

7.2.0-rc.1 - 2021-10-21

General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes


Build and Packaging Improvements

Bump .NET SDK to 6.0.100-rc.2

  • Update .NET 6 to version 6.0.100-rc.2.21505.57 (#16249)
  • Fix RPM packaging (Internal 17704)
  • Update ThirdPartyNotices.txt (#16283)
  • Update pipeline yaml file to use ubuntu-latest image (#16279)
  • Add script to generate cgmanifest.json (#16278)
  • Update version of Microsoft.PowerShell.Native and Microsoft.PowerShell.MarkdownRender packages (#16277)
  • Add cgmanifest.json for generating correct third party notice file (#16266)
  • Only upload stable buildinfo for stable releases (#16251)
  • Don't upload .dep or .tar.gz for RPM because there are none (#16230)
  • Ensure RPM license is recognized (#16189)
  • Add condition to only generate release files in local dev build only (#16259)
  • Ensure psoptions.json and manifest.spdx.json files always exist in packages (#16258)
  • Fix CI script and split out ARM runs (#16252)
  • Update vPack task version to 12 (#16250)
  • Sign third party executables (#16229)
  • Add Software Bill of Materials to the main packages (#16202)
  • Upgrade set-value package for markdown test (#16196)
  • Fix Microsoft update spelling issue (#16178)
  • Move vPack build to 1ES Pool (#16169)

SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 hashes.sha256 1.98KB

2、 powershell-7.2.0-rc.1-linux-alpine-x64.tar.gz 62.61MB

3、 powershell-7.2.0-rc.1-linux-arm32.tar.gz 60.59MB

4、 powershell-7.2.0-rc.1-linux-arm64.tar.gz 59.21MB

5、 powershell-7.2.0-rc.1-linux-x64-fxdependent.tar.gz 21.25MB

6、 powershell-7.2.0-rc.1-linux-x64.tar.gz 63.35MB

7、 powershell-7.2.0-rc.1-osx-arm64.pkg 59.53MB

8、 powershell-7.2.0-rc.1-osx-arm64.tar.gz 59.37MB

9、 powershell-7.2.0-rc.1-osx-x64.pkg 62.83MB

10、 powershell-7.2.0-rc.1-osx-x64.tar.gz 62.69MB

11、 65.01MB

12、 65.33MB

13、 23.55MB

14、 22.33MB

15、 PowerShell-7.2.0-rc.1-win-x64.msi 100.51MB

16、 102.08MB

17、 PowerShell-7.2.0-rc.1-win-x86.msi 91.91MB

18、 93.38MB

19、 powershell-preview-7.2.0_rc.1-1.rh.x86_64.rpm 62.95MB

20、 powershell-preview_7.2.0-rc.1-1.deb_amd64.deb 63.37MB
