


版本发布时间: 2021-10-20 13:02:33

wpilibsuite/allwpilib最新发布版本:v2024.3.2(2024-03-14 14:34:38)

Getting Started

This is the initial beta release of WPILib for the 2022 season. This requires the 2022 v2.2 roboRIO image (either roboRIO 1 or roboRIO 2).

Check out what's new for 2022 and jump directly to the WPILib installation guide.

A list of known issues with this release can be found here and in Beta 1, the following are broken:

If you're starting from a 2021 robot project, you will need to import it to create a 2022 project. The import process is particularly important for 2022, as it will try to make a number of automated corrections for the various breaking package moves that happened in 2022.

MD5 Hashes

314554398cb4876d26ab5a111867f5d1  WPILib_Linux-2022.1.1-beta-1.tar.gz
e981f73d3cccc1163b1a3539693f215d  WPILib_Windows32-2022.1.1-beta-1.iso
1e2195890ec19e36be63d93852f50adc  WPILib_Windows64-2022.1.1-beta-1.iso
79a7fb0fe32b773ed4c643ba160dee48  WPILib_macOS-2022.1.1-beta-1.dmg

SHA256 Hashes

6f28db5f3efcc2cf87826d529b2dea5cffcd8202d6a44c03e17b3dda60d62a32  WPILib_Linux-2022.1.1-beta-1.tar.gz
def1a5b874f85e9c55d586f81ae2a30896b2d6d2816aa44ddc5734c5ebfbd343  WPILib_Windows32-2022.1.1-beta-1.iso
95bca0c7de6723cb2011515096738dd5366a187477dfbf204ec598d6ac2231a4  WPILib_Windows64-2022.1.1-beta-1.iso
cc2bcbb7b77567ed30a66c21fc1e2b35e4e1dbf3b5ba21250e5600ef99114168  WPILib_macOS-2022.1.1-beta-1.dmg

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 WPILib_Linux-2022.1.1-beta-1.tar.gz 1.52GB

2、 WPILib_macOS-2022.1.1-beta-1.dmg 1.33GB

3、 WPILib_Windows32-2022.1.1-beta-1.iso 1.4GB

4、 WPILib_Windows64-2022.1.1-beta-1.iso 1.43GB
