版本发布时间: 2016-12-21 00:43:28
AlessandroZ/LaZagne最新发布版本:v2.4.6(2024-06-11 21:39:25)
- only one process is launched (impersonnation is done using "ImpersonateLoggedOnUser" and no more "CreateProcessAsUser")
- no more temporary file written on the disk
- uses of powerdump from empire (thanks to adaptivethreat) to avoid writing hives on the disk (avoid "reg save ...")
- no more temporary file written on the disk
- better way to catch errors
- json fixes (output to be more "human readable" + error encoding)
- cleaning code
- New category added called "memory": used to retrieve password on memory
- KeeThief added (thanks to adaptivethreat) - retrieve keepass (version 2.x) password from memory
- Powershell code used from https://github.com/adaptivethreat/KeeThief/
- Browser passwords present in memory could be retrieved
- Thanks to n1nj4sec for his awesome project "memorpy"
- KeeThief added (thanks to adaptivethreat) - retrieve keepass (version 2.x) password from memory
- New category added called "php":
- New module "PHP Composer" (thanks to righettod => https://github.com/righettod)
1、 Windows.zip 5.57MB