


版本发布时间: 2021-08-26 15:09:36

nlohmann/json最新发布版本:v3.11.3(2023-11-29 05:38:09)

Release date: 2021-08-26 SHA-256: 059743e48b37e41579ee3a92e82e984bfa0d2a9a2b20b175d04db8089f46f047 (json.hpp), 61e605be15e88deeac4582aaf01c09d616f8302edde7adcaba9261ddc3b4ceca (


This release is made days after the 3.10.1 release due to a bug in the release script: The 3.10.1 release at GitHub contained the correct files, but the associated tag v3.10.1 points to the wrong commit. This release is made with a fixed build script. All changes are backward-compatible.

:moneybag: Note you can support this project via GitHub sponsors or PayPal.

:zap: Improvements

:fire: Deprecated functions

Passing iterator pairs or pointer/length pairs to parsing functions (basic_json::parse, basic_json::accept, basic_json::sax_parse, basic_json::from_cbor, basic_json::from_msgpack, basic_json::from_ubjson, basic_json::from_bson) via initializer lists is deprecated. Instead, pass two iterators; for instance, call basic_json::from_cbor(ptr, ptr+len) instead of basic_json::from_cbor({ptr, len}).

The following functions have been deprecated in earlier versions and will be removed in the next major version (i.e., 4.0.0):

All deprecations are annotated with HEDLEY_DEPRECATED_FOR to report which function to use instead.

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 320.16KB

2、 833B

3、 json.hpp 955.6KB

4、 json.hpp.asc 833B

5、 json.tar.xz 122.6KB
