


版本发布时间: 2021-08-18 10:02:32

recp/cglm最新发布版本:v0.9.4(2024-04-01 23:10:19)

Now there are _no and _zo vesions of project / unproject functions. They are placed in include/cglm/clipspace/ and include/cglm/call/clipspace/ folders.

if CGLM_CLIPSPACE_INCLUDE_ALL is defined then all clipspace headers are icluded in project.h or related main headers, otherwise only related clipspace headers will be included to avoid including unused headers...

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Supporting cross platform, multiple OS-es and multiple CPUs requires multiple hardwares to test on it which requires extra financial cost. Also sparing time is another big issue while working at somewhere fulltime... Your company can become a sponsor to help:

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