


版本发布时间: 2021-07-28 01:06:02

krustlet/krustlet最新发布版本:v1.0.0-alpha.1(2021-07-28 01:06:02)


Krustlet v1.0.0 is the first alpha release of 1.0! This marks the the start of API and feature stability to Krustlet. For more information on our roadmap to 1.0, please read our recently released blog post. These release notes contain all breaking changes and new features from 0.7 and will be released with the final 1.0 release as well (for those who go straight from 0.7 to the final 1.0).

Backwards compatibility

As we move towards 1.0, backwards compatibility and API stability will now be respected. However, during the alpha-beta-RC period, there may be times where we will need to break the API. To be clear, here are the guarantees for each type of release:

Notable Features/Changes

Breaking changes

krustlet-wasi binary

Rust API


type ProviderState: 'static + Send + Sync;


type ProviderState: 'static + Send + Sync + PluginSupport + DevicePluginSupport;

These new traits are used to require implementation of plugin registries and device plugin support. A minimal implementation (that does nothing) is below:

struct ProviderState;

impl PluginSupport for ProviderState {}

impl DevicePluginSupport for ProviderState {}

Please note that these traits are also now required for implementors of GenericProvider.

Known Issues/Missing Features


After many discussions, we have decided that CNI and 100% native Kubernetes network support will not be part of the 1.0 release. Networking implementations vary wildly between different Krustlet providers and it would be difficult and unwise to try and define a common abstraction at this time. For example, wasmCloud connects using a system called a “lattice” which can consist of an arbitrary graph of connected hosts. Whereas the CRI provider relies on the CNI spec implementations built in to many Kubernetes distros. Not only are we at a point where we need to understand how more complex networking should work, but the same discussions involve things like sidecars, service meshes, and so on. As a result, we decided to let you handle your own networking here, which you can do, while the community understands what's the best path forward with these more complex interactions.

Our hope is that once we have several different networking examples from various providers, it will be easier to add in a common abstraction at this time. Waiting on that information would only introduce additional delay for releasing Krustlet as an otherwise stable and production-ready (though still bleeding edge) project.

What's next?

Our next anticipated version is 1.0.0-alpha.2 after we finish the remaining tasks in the 1.0 milestone


We want to express a huge thanks to all of those in the community who have helped the project evolve to this point. We appreciate your efforts in making this project a success.

Contributors to 1.0

If we missed you, let us know!


Download Krustlet 1.0.0-alpha.1:

Check out our installation docs for information on how to install Krustlet.

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