


版本发布时间: 2016-11-01 14:50:42

dylanaraps/neofetch最新发布版本:7.1.0(2020-08-03 02:50:56)

This change log won't cover everything that's changed. Have a look through the commit history for more info.

There were a lot of major changes made to how things work in this release so I'm expecting bugs/things not working for people. Expect a 1.9.X release.

I'm also looking for neofetch screenshots for the Readme, see this issue: #405

Thanks to everyone below who contributed, it's nice to see some new faces too. :)



Operating System




Fixed rendering issues in URxvt when using an XFT font.


This was first thought to be an issue between URxvt and W3m-img and I apologize for immediately closing bug reports and dismissing comments about this.

I spent yesterday trying to fix this issue and found out that launching neofetch with --bold off reduced the rendering problems. I did more digging and found out that removing all text formatting fixes the issue entirely. I later found out that adding a single unformatted character before the formatted text fixed the issue while keeping the formatting the same.

I opened up this PR which added options to enable a border between the image and the text to fix the issue. @konimex later commented informing me that we could just use a zero-width space to fix the issue and that we didn't need a new function/args/ugly border. doh

The final fix was as simple as adding a zero-width space before the info, here's the commit.

Removed hard dependency on \033[14t

Neofetch no longer requires a terminal emulator that supports \033[14t this means that neofetch now works in Konsole. Instead of using the escape sequence users now have three options for getting the terminal size in pixels.

Neofetch will detect whatever combination you have insalled and use these programs.

Note: \033[14t is still supported, if images already work for you then you don't have to install anything else.



Distro<br >

Desktop Environment<br >

Window Manager<br >

Window Manager Theme<br >

CPU<br >


Uptime<br >

Resolution<br >

Memory<br >

Shell<br >

Battery<br >

Theme Font<br >

Color Blocks<br >

Terminal and Terminal Font<br >

Song<br >

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