


版本发布时间: 2021-06-27 04:35:13

FAForever/server最新发布版本:v1.13.4(2023-11-13 05:58:19)


With this release we are finally making some progress towards upgrading our login flow by supporting token login in addition to the old style of password login. As an end user, you won't notice a whole lot. Future client versions will give you the option of logging in with the new method which is more secure, as it will use temporary tokens instead of directly sending your password to the lobby server (you still need to enter your password into the client though so it can fetch a token from the API).

In addition we've fixed a few bugs, done some internal cleanup, and added support for more integration with other FAF services which will eventually (TM) be relevant for Galactic War. Here are the noteworthy highlights

Other Noteworthy Changes

Pull Requests

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