


版本发布时间: 2021-06-18 17:07:56

micropython/micropython最新发布版本:v1.22.2(2024-02-20 20:36:21)

This release of MicroPython includes a new command-line tool called "mpremote", which is intended to be the main way to remotely control a MicroPython-based device from the command line. It features a serial terminal, filesystem access, support to mount a local directory on the remote device, and a macro language to define custom commands. This tool can be installed from PyPI via "pip3 install mpremote", and it works on Linux, Windows and Mac. As part of this, improvements were made to including opening serial ports in exclusive mode to more easily manage multiple devices.

In the Python core, OSError exceptions now support the ".errno" attribute, and an option was added to compile MicroPython without error messages to further reduce code size where needed. The REPL was improved so that it does not tab-complete private methods (those starting with underscore, if no underscore has been typed yet), and it also now tab completes built-in module names after "import" is typed.

There has been a minor breaking change to a relative import exception: what was previously a ValueError was changed to ImportError, following the same change in CPython. See commit 53519e322a5a0bb395676cdaa132f5e82de22909.

In the extmod components, uctypes has a fix for the size and offset calculation for ARRAY of FLOAT32, uhashlib now raises an exception if a hash is reused after digest is called, and urandom supports passing 0 to getrandbits (following the CPython change). In uasyncio, the readinto method is added to the Stream class, and two race conditions were fixed: one with start_server and wait_closed, and the other with cancelling a task waiting on finished task; see de2e081260395f47d21bf39a97f3461df3d8b94f and 514bf1a1911ac9173a00820b7e09dfb387e6b941 respectively.

The esp32 port now supports specifying FROZEN_MANIFEST with new CMake build system, has NeoPixel support on GPIO32 and GPIO33, network.LAN support in IDF v4.1 and above, and a new "reconnects" option in the WLAN STA interface to configure how many (if any) reconnection attempts are made if the WiFi goes down.

Many features have been added to the mimxrt port, including: VFS filesystem support with internal flash storage, Pin, Pin.irq and ADC support, UART, SoftI2C and SoftSPI bus support, Timer and RTC classes, and floating point numbers.

The rp2 port now has the machine.RTC class to configure the RTC, as well as new board definition files for SparkFun's Thing Plus RP2040 and Pro Micro boards.

The stm32 port now supports static soft timers with a C-based callback, and mboot has been made more configurable, in particular the LEDs and reset mode selection can now be fully customised by a board. Two new boards have been added: VCC_GND_F407VE and VCC_GND_F407ZG. A bug fix was made to the SDIO driver to make sure DMA doesn't turn off mid-transfer; this affected WLAN operation when certain SPI buses were being used. See commit a96afae90f6e5d693173382561d06e583b0b5fa5 for details. Pin configuration of UART has been modified so pull-up is now configured only on RX and CTS, not TX and RTS; see 748339b28126e69fd2dc2778b2a182901d0a4693. The USB_VCP class has a new irq method to set a callback on USB data RX events. The Ethernet driver now supports low-power mode, and has a fix so the link status is reported correctly.

On the zephyr port, scheduled callbacks are now run at idle REPL and during sleeps, and there is an initial ubluetooth module which supports BLE scanning and advertising. Configuration is provided for the nucleo_wb55rg board.

What follows is a detailed list of changes, generated from the git commit history, and organised into sections.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!

Main components


py core:




mpy-cross: no changes specific to this component/port

Support components


examples: no changes specific to this component/port




The ports

bare-arm port:

cc3200 port: no changes specific to this component/port

esp8266 port:

esp32 port:

javascript port: no changes specific to this component/port

mimxrt port:

minimal port: no changes specific to this component/port

nrf port:

pic16bit port:

powerpc port: no changes specific to this component/port

qemu-arm port:

rp2 port:

samd port: no changes specific to this component/port

stm32 port:

teensy port:

unix port:

windows port:

zephyr port:

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 micropython-1.16.tar.xz 54.44MB

2、 104.75MB
