


版本发布时间: 2021-05-23 20:54:13

joaomlourenco/novathesis最新发布版本:v7.1.27(2024-05-06 05:03:44)

This release includes many many many small bug fixes and improvements.

For the final user: — Use of font Inter if available. Otherwise Helvetica. Otherwise, just use \textsf frmo whatever font is selected. — Added link for downloading font NewsGott (used by UMinho). — Support for bold-italic for font NewsGott (used by UMinho). — New flag “printfrontmatter” that, when false, generates no frontmatter material, just the cover and main chapter(s). — Eliminated dependency on some external packages (to make compilation faster). — Added support for Universidade Lusófuna de Humanidades e Tecnologias. — Added support for external (xindy) gloassaries processor.

For the implementer: — New cover design features and functionalities.

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)
