


版本发布时间: 2021-04-29 17:03:55

alibaba/nacos最新发布版本:2.3.2(2024-04-03 14:29:50)

Nacos2.0.1 Release Note

This version mainly fixes the stability for leader selection of Jraft in k8s environment and fixes the problem of throwing Server is Down error frequently. What's more, 2.0.1 support the MCP over XDS protocol in nacos-istio plugin and module.

Details see following:


-[#3484] Support ldap login. -[#4856] Support mcp over xds. -[#5137] Support service list add view subscriber. -[#5367] Support client encryption plugin for nacos 2.0.


-[#5307] Push support config some parameters -[#5334] Fix Server is Down problem in k8s environment. -[#5361] Check isUseGrpcFeatures() when register instance using GRPC protocol

Refactor & Code Quality

-[#5486] Refactor Distro Config as singleton and replace GlobalConfig.


-[#5169] Fix instance beat run only by responsible server. -[#5175] Fix publishConfig lost type. -[#5178] Fix NPE when init server list failed. -[#5182] Fix throw NoSuchFieldException in ConfigController when service connect to nacos. -[#5204] Fix query error when pageNo is larger than service number. -[#5268] Fix subscriber app unknown -[#5327] Fix ThreadPool usage problem and add some monitor for distro. -[#5384] Fix the problem of unable to shutdown NacosConfigService. -[#5404] Fix frequently udp push for client 1.X. -[#5419] Fix Nacos 2.0 client auth may invalid for non public namespace. -[#5442] change state to UP when received status form old version server.


-[#5096] Add unit tests in nacos 2.0. -[#5171][#5421][#5436][#5450][#5464] Fix It for nacos 2.0.

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)

1、 nacos-server-2.0.1.tar.gz 112.45MB

2、 112.45MB
