版本发布时间: 2021-04-27 06:04:19
JuliaStats/GLM.jl最新发布版本:v1.9.0(2023-09-14 22:59:09)
GLM v1.4.2
Closed issues:
- unexplained SingularException (#43)
- Syntax of the weight option (#106)
- Consistency w.r.t. external weights (#124)
- DomainError with LogLink (#129)
- Exception for failure to converge? (#163)
- Export fewer functions? (#168)
doesn't support wts (#258) - Error Handling (#279)
- Why must binomial response be 0 < y < 1 (#291)
- GEE (#399)
- Cooks distance (#414)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix tests on Julia 1.6 (#416) (@nalimilan)
- bump DataFrames.jl to 1.0 and version to 1.4.2 (#421) (@bkamins)