


版本发布时间: 2021-03-19 16:55:39

alibaba/nacos最新发布版本:2.3.2(2024-04-03 14:29:50)

This version add Grpc as the translating to replace HTTP between client and server.

Detail see:


Add gRPC connection core feature to Nacos.

Config module support gRPC.

Naming module support gRPC.

Nacos Client Support gRPC.

Nacos gRPC Client support reconnection.

Support push data by gRPC.

Connection event notification for gRPC.

Load balance for Connection.

Support Auth for gRPC request.

Support metadata operation for Naming module by Jraft.

Support basic connection limit.

Support healthy check.

Support upgrading and downgrading.


Async execute some time-consuming operation.

Multiple language SDK.


Full support for registering custom instances.

Support single push when subscriber first subscribe service.

Support healthy protection by threshold.


Naming Client refactor network proxy.

Refactor and adapt v1 openAPI.


[#4489] Fix can't query non-default-group problem for catalog API. [#4681] Fix config miss line break problem. [#4788] Fix client id judgement error for ipv6. [#4855] Fix high cpu problem. [#4875] Fix config file read problem. [#4882] Fix listen config without auth problem. [#4883] Fix naming client NPE for Spas auth header. [#4987] Fix NPE when build ClientInfo with empty user-agent. [#4989] Fix NPE for service metadata is null during upgrade to v2. [#5001] Fix returns empty list when service has no subscribers. [#5028] Fix UpdateTask some logic errors. [#5067] Fix console detail error instances list when healthy protection by threshold. [#5080] Fix health checker pre-start logic. [#5109] Fix TcpHealthCheckProcessor.TimeOutTask may block the next check task.


[#4383] Upgrade Nacos Api/Client modules to support JDK 1.8 compilation.


Add unit test for nacos 2.0

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