


版本发布时间: 2014-06-19 10:58:43

antlr/antlr4最新发布版本:4.13.2(2024-08-04 03:28:03)

Major Milestone Release

ANTLR 4.3 is a major feature and bugfix update to ANTLR 4. For most users upgrading from ANTLR 4.2, this is a source- and binary-compatible update. However, to maximize the benefits provided by the update, we highly recommend that you regenerate your lexers and parsers using the latest version of the Tool.

Download Binaries

Download ANTLR jars at the site.


Summary of Changes

You can view all issues closed for this release here, and all commits for this release here.



Bug Fixes

Breaking Changes

Related Projects

The following tables list several related projects, along with the version number corresponding to this release. The tables will be updated as each of the projects release updates to support this release of ANTLR 4.

IDE Support

Project Release which Supports ANTLR 4.3
ANTLRWorks 2
IntelliJ Plugin
Eclipse Plugin
Visual Studio Extension 1.2.1

Alternate Language Targets

Project Release which Supports ANTLR 4.3
ANTLR 4 "Optimized" fork 4.3-opt
C# Target 4.3

相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)
