


版本发布时间: 2021-02-16 19:58:55

nightscout/cgm-remote-monitor最新发布版本:15.0.0(2023-10-18 23:18:23)

Welcome to Release 14.2 Sweet Liquorice!

This release focuses on improving the overall security of Nightscout. 14.2 adds a new method for Nightscout to notify you of various security issues in your setup. After upgrading to the this release, if Nightscout wants to tell you something about the system security, you'll see a red megaphone appear in the Nightscout web client. To see the messages, you'll have to sign in using your API-SECRET or a token that's got administration privileges. Full details of the messages can be found in the Nightscout documentation:

Advance warning regarding future releases: we are likely to make compatibility breaking changes in upcoming releases that will change how the authentication flows with the Nightscout API works, along with changes to validation of data sent to Nightscout. If you're an app developer and are using the Nightscout APIs in your application, please join our Discord channel to learn about the changes are they're implemented. You can join the channel here:

Nightscout translations are now made in Crowdin. This is very easy even for non-technical folks, so please join and contribute!

Note if you're running your instance with a very old MongoDB version, your installation might break. We've tested the release using MongoDB 4.2 and 4.4.

New Features and Improvements

For developers

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