版本发布时间: 2021-02-09 03:51:20
musescore/MuseScore最新发布版本:v4.4.2(2024-09-16 16:40:06)
February 08, 2021
- Fixed an issue with gap between staff and final barline with courtesy clef
- Fixed an issue when removing spanners from measures outside of the rewrite range
- Fixed an accessibility issue with the score migration dialog
- Fixed a crash related to QtWebEngineProcess after update
- Fixed an issue with timeline showing part name rather than instrument name
- Fixed an issue with focus of dockable windows when visibility is toggled
- Fixed an issue where custom gliss text reverts to default "gliss"
- Added missing Flügelhorns to instrument ordering definitions
- Fixed an issue where beams cannot be connected over quarter rests
- Fixed an issue where staff spacers do not work on last system of page
- Fixed an issue with broken swapping of notes/chords with Shift + Left/Right
- Fixed an issue with incomplete import from ScoreScan XML file
- Fixed an issue with unsaved default settings to pre-3.6 score after 'reset styles to default'
- Fixed an issue with Banjo fifth string fret numbers
- Fixed an issue where invisible breath marks impact layout
- Fixed a crash during the opening of a score with a missing section break
- Applying tremolo is now a toggle operation
- Fixed an issue where the Mixer panel is not fully shown when opened
- Fixed an issue where an empty rehearsal mark is not deleted after entering a system break
- Fixed an issue where multi-measure rest numbers can collide with other elements
- Fixed an issue where deleting a breath/caesura leads to the wrong note being selected
- Fixed an issue when parts inherit non-default style from score
- Fixed a crash when changing time signature at the beginning of a corrupted measure
- Fixed an issue with unreadable chord symbols
- Updated the close icon for Import Midi Panel (and Find/GoTo)
- Fixed an issue with auto-sizing of vertical frames when dragging the height handle
1、 MuseScore- 121.16MB
2、 MuseScore- 152.88MB
3、 MuseScore- 267.79KB
4、 MuseScore- 96.96MB
5、 MuseScore- 106.85MB
6、 MuseScore-MS-STORE- 106.86MB