


版本发布时间: 2021-02-02 01:17:23

Carthage/Carthage最新发布版本:0.39.1(2023-09-19 00:45:54)



Known issues


Under --use-xcframeworks, Carthage aims to accommodate something long relied upon: targets that 〈think about targets such as your dependencies ⋯ subdependencies ⋯ dependencies vended by others〉 …that link against «.framework»s in the directory of Carthage/Build ﹡as opposed to linking against «.framework»s in Per-configuration Build Products Path (CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR).﹡

Such targets will see Carthage extract — for each platform the target builds for — such-platform’s «.framework» bundles from all XCFrameworks, copying them into a temporary directory, and then — via build setting injection into FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS — allowing the xcodebuild run an at-the-end-of-FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS opportunity to link those extracted-into-temporary-directory «.framework»s (and fulfill a successful compilation).

Well, to be more precise…

〜 Well, to be more precise, any scheme where the Carthage-focused target with build setting value for FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS specifically containing a subdirectory of Carthage/Build will have the at-the-end-of-FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS opportunity.

This behavior works for framework targets in most cases, since they link against but generally do not embed their framework dependencies, but requires changes if any part of a target’s build process requires the exact path of the framework bundle. If you (or developers consuming your framework) encounter build errors when using carthage build --use-xcframeworks, you have a few options:

If you’re struggling to figure out how Carthage focuses on a target…

〜 If you’re struggling to figure out how Carthage focuses on a target within a Xcode project/workspace within a repo and subsequently widens out to choose a scheme based on that, head to and attach the label «focused-target» or just mention «focused-target» in the issue’s body text; please make the body text detailed, and priority will be given to issues regarding open source repositories.


Thanks @olejnjak, @philipphofmann, and @daisuke-t-jp for their work on documenting the xcconfig workaround. More broadly, we appreciate the community of users who communicated about the problem, came up with a temporary workaround, and were patient while we architected a fix.

Thanks @tmspzz, @gjeck, @nighthawk, @chrisballinger, @renep, and @elliottwilliams for their work reviewing pull requests.

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1、 Carthage.pkg 4.8MB
