版本发布时间: 2021-01-28 02:23:47
musescore/MuseScore最新发布版本:v4.4.2(2024-09-16 16:40:06)
January 27, 2021
- Fixed a crash on open of a file with start repeat in continuous view
- Fixed an issue when switching tabs when opening a score while "Score migration dialog" is open
- Fixed crashes when rearranging instrument positions and changing Ordering
- Fixed an issue where the window is marked as modified, even when the last score is closed
- Fixed a crash when opening scores with large orchestration created in older versions of MuseScore
- Fixed an issue with incorrect order of Violins in Orchestra template
- Fixed a crash when hiding palettes
- Fixed an export failure when part name contains a slash
- Fixed an issue where spacers do not function when vertical justification is enabled
- Added an option to Copy SMuFL Symbol Code for symbols in Master Palette
- Clef changes are no longer visible on hidden staves
- Fixed an issue where first system indentation can cause measures to not fit on system
- Fixed an issue with wrong key signatures upon "Reset Al Styles" in concert pitch scores
- Display symbols' SMuFL name in Symbols Palette
- Removed corner radius from new default rehearsal mark style
- Fixed an issue where custom style defaults are ignored when creating new score from template
- Fixed an issue where applying a key change to a selection causes a crash when transposing instruments are involved
- Fixed an issue where an incomplete voice in local time signature leads to corruption upon import
- Fixed an issue where swapping notes in a two-note tremolo causes corrupted tremolo, and crash
- Fixed an issue where two-note tremolos display incorrectly on a stave with custom scale
- Fixed an issue where measure number offset changes on reload
- It is now possible to copy/paste the LetRing, PalmMute and Vibrato elements
- The link on "Score migration dialog" now leads to Bilibili if using Chinese
1、 MuseScore- 120.41MB
2、 MuseScore- 151.98MB
3、 MuseScore- 96.55MB
4、 MuseScore- 106.43MB