版本发布时间: 2021-01-26 04:23:57
dimitroffs/ExpressLRS-configurator最新发布版本:0.1.5a(2021-02-03 04:01:11)
Release notes:
What's new:
- listing and selecting specific ExpressLRS branch to reset to (this way you can quickly test new feature branches without waiting them on master branch)
- small stylings
- bugfixes
What to do:
- Make sure you have Python 3 installed locally
- Copy .zip archive and extract to local directory of your choice
- Execute "ExpressLRS Configurator.exe"
- During very first boot it is cloning the repo locally so make sure not to mess it up (still need to make better handling of all actions)
- check ./resources/app/elrs-cli.log for errors if not available in application (during very first boot there is a bug and cli isn't opening at all)
1、 ExpressLRS.Configurator-0.1.4-win32-x64.zip 73.21MB