版本发布时间: 2020-11-08 11:06:30
jessielw/HDR-Multi-Tool最新发布版本:2.1.0(2024-02-17 06:25:23)
- Added multi-threading
- Program will now ask the user if they are sure they want to exit
- Adjusted UI size to make room for a new frame
- Corrected some code spelling and optimized column/row config
- Program now searches Windows PATH for FFMPEG, it will use the one in the system path if it finds one (if this is the case you can delete FFMPEG that comes with the program)
- Added mediainfocli to get total file size for new progress bars
- Added a very basic 'About' window
- Added the new 'Options' frame
- Done some work on 'Force Single Profile' check button
- Major work on the 'Start Job' function - This is where the new window/mediainfocli/progress bars have all been added
- Program will know kill ALL tasks if closed
- You can individually close/start multiple parsing windows
- Updated parser to '0.3.1'
1、 HDR10Plus-Parser-Tool.v.1.2.zip 37.76MB