


版本发布时间: 2016-05-23 06:06:06

mkeeter/antimony最新发布版本:0.9.3b(2016-11-28 10:25:44)

Antimony 0.9.1


This release adds support for nested graphs!

The UI is also rewritten, pretty much from scratch. It implements the same functionality in fewer lines of code and should be more robust in keeping the graph and UI synched.

Nested Graphs

You can now add a subgraph by selecting Graph from the Add menu.

In its parent graph, a subgraph looks just like a script node:

Subgraph from parent

The three icons open up

Within the subgraph, you can add Inputs and Outputs from the Add menu. These inputs and outputs are strongly typed and show up as floating Datums:

Subgraph from parent

Other features:


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1、 Antimony.dmg 34.01MB
