版本发布时间: 2020-10-20 23:04:58
betaflight/betaflight最新发布版本:4.5.1(2024-07-27 10:22:27)
Maintenance Release
Please read the Betaflight 4.2 Release Notes.
This release contains bugfixes and target changes only. For a full list of new features see 4.2.0.
We have tried to make this release as bug free as possible. If you still find a bug, please report it back to us by opening an issue here.
If you want to talk about Betaflight, ask configuration questions, or just hang out with fellow pilots, you can do this in our Facebook group.
Betaflight also has a presence in the Slack messaging platform. Register here, and then come join us in Slack. Most developers hang out there, so this is a great place to talk about the things you are tinkering with in Betaflight, or get help with really complicated configuration problems.
- fixed some errors occurring with custom builds (#10113);
- fixed problem causing unnecessary screen redraws on MSP displayport (#10229);
- fixed problem breaking ADC on H7 for some configurations (#10232);
- fixed scaling of Dshot motor output when controlling motors from configurator (#10223);
- fixed bug causing invalid DMA option id to show for TIMUP in CLI (#10237);
- fixed bug in CC2500 SPI RX code (#10260);
- fixed a bug making a pin unavailable on H7 (#10286).
Target Updates:
- enabled BMP085 / BMP180 for STM32F405 and STM32F745 targets (#10258).
1、 betaflight_4.2.4_ALIENWHOOPF7.hex 1.12MB
2、 betaflight_4.2.4_COLIBRI_OPBL.hex 1.13MB
3、 betaflight_4.2.4_CRAZYFLIE2.hex 1.03MB
4、 betaflight_4.2.4_CRAZYFLIE2BQ.hex 1.05MB
5、 betaflight_4.2.4_IFLIGHT_H743_AIO.hex 1.22MB
6、 betaflight_4.2.4_IFLIGHT_H7_TWING.hex 1.21MB
7、 betaflight_4.2.4_NUCLEOF446RE.hex 1.08MB
8、 betaflight_4.2.4_NUCLEOF7.hex 1.22MB
9、 betaflight_4.2.4_NUCLEOH743.hex 1.28MB
10、 betaflight_4.2.4_NUCLEOH743_RAMBASED.hex 1.23MB
11、 betaflight_4.2.4_REVO_OPBL.hex 1.14MB
12、 betaflight_4.2.4_SITL.hex 984.04KB
13、 betaflight_4.2.4_SPEKTRUMF400.hex 1.06MB
14、 betaflight_4.2.4_SPRACINGH7EXTREME.hex 1.23MB
15、 betaflight_4.2.4_SPRACINGH7NANO.hex 1.23MB
16、 betaflight_4.2.4_SPRACINGH7ZERO.hex 1.23MB
17、 betaflight_4.2.4_STM32F405.hex 1.35MB
18、 betaflight_4.2.4_STM32F411.hex 1.3MB
19、 betaflight_4.2.4_STM32F4DISCOVERY_DEBUG.hex 1.07MB
20、 betaflight_4.2.4_STM32F745.hex 1.39MB
21、 betaflight_4.2.4_STM32F7X2.hex 1.33MB