


版本发布时间: 2020-08-17 18:11:54

Kotlin/kotlinx.serialization最新发布版本:v1.6.3(2024-02-17 03:02:00)

Release candidate for 1.0.0 version. The goal of RC release is to collect feedback from users and provide 1.0.0 release with bug fixes and improvements based on that feedback.

While working on 1.0.0 version, we carefully examined every public API declaration of the library and split it to stable API, that we promise to be source and binary-compatible, and experimental API, that may be changed in the future. Experimental API is annotated with @ExperimentalSerializationApi annotation, which requires opt-in. For a more detailed description of the guarantees, please refer to the compatibility guide.

The id of the core artifact with @Serializable annotation and Json format was changed from kotlinx-serialization-runtime to kotlinx-serialization-core to be more clear and aligned with other kotlinx libraries.

A significant part of the public API was renamed or extracted to a separate package. To migrate from the previous versions of the library, please refer to the migration guide.

API changes


Core API for format authoring


Other formats

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