版本发布时间: 2020-07-29 02:53:26
microsoft/VFSForGit最新发布版本:v1.0.24074.1(2024-03-15 05:42:14)
Major Updates
- Comes with Git for Windows 2.28.0
- Previous builds were not including fully-signed DLLs. This is now fixed.
Pull Requests
- #1672: ProductUpgrader: be extra careful about a copy loop
- #1674: Config: disable status.submoduleSummary
- #1675: PreCommandHook: don't lock pack-objects
- #1676: Update Git to v2.27.0.vfs.1.0
- #1679: BuildGVFSForWindows.bat: use nuget on PATH
- #1683: GVFS.SignFiles.csproj: include more DLLs for signing
- #1685: minor path comparison fixup in ProductUpgrader
- #1682: Update Git to v2.28.0
1、 Git-2.28.0.vfs.0.0-64-bit.exe 52.96MB
2、 SetupGVFS.1.0.20210.1.exe 5.41MB