


版本发布时间: 2020-07-27 21:45:00

pagehelper/Mybatis-PageHelper最新发布版本:v6.0.0(2023-11-05 11:52:39)

本次更新最大的变化是增加了 BoundSqlInterceptor,通过该接口可以在运行时拦截分页处理的 SQL(BoundSQL对象):

 * BoundSql 处理器
public interface BoundSqlInterceptor {
     * boundsql 处理
     * @param type     类型
     * @param boundSql 当前类型的 boundSql
     * @param cacheKey 缓存 key
     * @param chain    处理器链,通过 chain.doBoundSql 方法继续执行后续方法,也可以直接返回 boundSql 终止后续方法的执行
     * @return 允许修改 boundSql 并返回修改后的
    BoundSql boundSql(Type type, BoundSql boundSql, CacheKey cacheKey, Chain chain);

    enum Type {
         * 原始SQL,分页插件执行前,先执行这个类型
         * count SQL,第二个执行这里
         * 分页 SQL,最后执行这里

     * 处理器链,可以控制是否继续执行
    interface Chain {
        Chain DO_NOTHING = new Chain() {
            public BoundSql doBoundSql(Type type, BoundSql boundSql, CacheKey cacheKey) {
                return boundSql;

        BoundSql doBoundSql(Type type, BoundSql boundSql, CacheKey cacheKey);

接口中包含了 boundSql 接口方法,还有 Type 枚举,和 Chain 接口的定义,自己实现的时候不需要考虑 Chain。

通过 boundSqlInterceptors 参数配置拦截器,执行时存在下面三种情况:

  1. 不管当前执行的 SQL 是否会分页,都会执行 Type.ORIGINAL 类型的拦截器方法,配置后一定会执行。

  2. 调用分页方法时,拦截器会继续执行 Type.COUNT_SQL 类型的拦截器方法,这个方法只有执行分页并且指定要进行 count 查询时才会执行。

  3. 调用分页方法时,如果 count > 0,就会执行 Type.PAGE_SQL 类型的拦截器方法,这个方法只有执行分页时才会执行。

通过 PageHelper.startPage(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false).boundSqlInterceptor(BoundSqlInterceptor boundSqlInterceptor) 这种指定的参数时,也能起到不进行分页和count查询,但是可以执行 Type.ORIGINAL 类型的拦截器方法。

当前拦截器在整个分页执行过程中,会执行3次,对应 Type 枚举的 3 个类型,执行顺序也一致。

如果想获取分页 SQL 执行前的,只需要关注 Type.ORIGINAL,另外两种就是 count 执行前和分页执行前(count=0时分页方法不执行,这里也不会执行)。


public class TestBoundSqlInterceptor implements BoundSqlInterceptor {
    public static final String COMMENT = "\n /* TestBoundSqlInterceptor */\n";

    public BoundSql boundSql(Type type, BoundSql boundSql, CacheKey cacheKey, Chain chain) {
        if (type == Type.ORIGINAL) {
            String sql = boundSql.getSql();
            MetaObject metaObject = MetaObjectUtil.forObject(boundSql);
            metaObject.setValue("sql", sql + COMMENT);
        return chain.doBoundSql(type, boundSql, cacheKey);


上面这段代码在 sql 执行前先修改原始 SQL,只是在最后增加了一段注释,不影响 SQL 执行,通过下面的方式配置:

<plugin interceptor="com.github.pagehelper.PageInterceptor">
    <!-- 支持通过Mapper接口参数来传递分页参数 -->
    <property name="helperDialect" value="mysql"/>
    <property name="boundSqlInterceptors"


这样配置后,上面的 SQL 在分页执行的时候就会修改 SQL。

除了这种配置方式外,还支持 PageHelper.startPage 时临时指定,这种方式会把拦截器放到链头先执行,因此可以控制后续的是否执行,也可以在后续所有执行外,做最后处理再返回。


PageHelper.startPage(1, 10).boundSqlInterceptor(new BoundSqlInterceptor() {
    public BoundSql boundSql(Type type, BoundSql boundSql, CacheKey cacheKey, Chain chain) {
        System.out.println("before: " + boundSql.getSql());
        BoundSql doBoundSql = chain.doBoundSql(type, boundSql, cacheKey);
        System.out.println("after: " + doBoundSql.getSql());
        if (type == Type.ORIGINAL) {
        return doBoundSql;

The biggest change of this update is the addition of BoundSqlInterceptor, which can intercept the SQL(BoundSQL object) of paging processing at runtime:

 * BoundSql 处理器
public interface BoundSqlInterceptor {
     * boundsql 处理
     * @param type     类型
     * @param boundSql 当前类型的 boundSql
     * @param cacheKey 缓存 key
     * @param chain    处理器链,通过 chain.doBoundSql 方法继续执行后续方法,也可以直接返回 boundSql 终止后续方法的执行
     * @return 允许修改 boundSql 并返回修改后的
    BoundSql boundSql(Type type, BoundSql boundSql, CacheKey cacheKey, Chain chain);

    enum Type {
         * 原始SQL,分页插件执行前,先执行这个类型
         * count SQL,第二个执行这里
         * 分页 SQL,最后执行这里

     * 处理器链,可以控制是否继续执行
    interface Chain {
        Chain DO_NOTHING = new Chain() {
            public BoundSql doBoundSql(Type type, BoundSql boundSql, CacheKey cacheKey) {
                return boundSql;

        BoundSql doBoundSql(Type type, BoundSql boundSql, CacheKey cacheKey);

The interface includes boundSql interface method, Type enumeration, and the definition of Chain interface, and you don't need to consider Chain when you implement it yourself.

The interceptor is configured by boundSqlInterceptors parameter, and there are three situations when executing:

  1. Regardless of whether the currently executed SQL will be paged or not, interceptor methods of Type.ORIGINAL will be executed.

  2. When the paging method is called, the interceptor will continue to execute the interceptor method of Type.COUNT_SQL, which will only be executed when paging is executed and count query is specified.

  3. When paging method is called, if count > 0, interceptor method of Type.PAGE_SQL will be executed, which will only be executed when paging is executed.

With the specified parameter PageHelper.startPage(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false).boundSqlInterceptor(BoundSqlInterceptor boundSqlInterceptor), it can also play the role of not paging and count query, but can execute interceptor method of Type.ORIGINAL.

If you want to get the page before SQL execution, you only need to pay attention to Type.ORIGINAL, and the other two are before count execution and before page execution (when count=0, the page method will not be executed and will not be executed here).

Take the test code as an example:

public class TestBoundSqlInterceptor implements BoundSqlInterceptor {
    public static final String COMMENT = "\n /* TestBoundSqlInterceptor */\n";

    public BoundSql boundSql(Type type, BoundSql boundSql, CacheKey cacheKey, Chain chain) {
        if (type == Type.ORIGINAL) {
            String sql = boundSql.getSql();
            MetaObject metaObject = MetaObjectUtil.forObject(boundSql);
            metaObject.setValue("sql", sql + COMMENT);
        return chain.doBoundSql(type, boundSql, cacheKey);


The above code modifies the original sql before SQL execution, but only adds a comment at the end, which does not affect SQL execution. It is configured in the following way:

<plugin interceptor="com.github.pagehelper.PageInterceptor">
    <!-- 支持通过Mapper接口参数来传递分页参数 -->
    <property name="helperDialect" value="mysql"/>
    <property name="boundSqlInterceptors"

Here, in order to explain that the parameter value can be multiple, it is repeatedly configured once, that is, the above interceptor will execute it twice.

With this configuration, the above SQL will modify the SQL when the page is executed.

In addition to this configuration mode, temporary designation when PageHelper.startPage is also supported. This mode will put the interceptor at the chain head and execute it first, so you can control whether to execute it later or not, or you can do the final processing before returning after all subsequent executions.


PageHelper.startPage(1, 10).boundSqlInterceptor(new BoundSqlInterceptor() {
    public BoundSql boundSql(Type type, BoundSql boundSql, CacheKey cacheKey, Chain chain) {
        System.out.println("before: " + boundSql.getSql());
        BoundSql doBoundSql = chain.doBoundSql(type, boundSql, cacheKey);
        System.out.println("after: " + doBoundSql.getSql());
        if (type == Type.ORIGINAL) {
        return doBoundSql;

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