


版本发布时间: 2020-06-19 05:25:40

Carthage/Carthage最新发布版本:0.39.1(2023-09-19 00:45:54)

Carthage now elides a certain warning about Swift compiler versions upon truths from three sources:

Note: As .swiftinterface files emission “currently [as of Swift 5.X] requires library evolution support” — take warning of the Swift Compiler Team’s message that “Library evolution trades off performance for flexibility” and comes with caveats. • :warning: Not every library vendor will desire to enable BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION in their project’s build settings, or even to field questions on bugs resulting from those adding that scope. Be kind to library vendors that might weigh their potential maintenance/ongoing-qa-debugging work differently then your BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION desires.

〜 Thanks @DavidBrunow for this feature!

Dynamic Intelligent Platform Parsing

Previously, Carthage would propagate errors upon reading non-compiled-in values from SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS or PLATFORM_NAME.

Carthage 0.35.0 supports SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS or PLATFORM_NAME dynamically with intelligent parsing from xcodebuild -showsdks -json.

Carthage’s --platform argument takes the same input of 2019-era SDKs — however, in alignment with the above: the default (a.k.a. “all”) parameter will allow dynamically-parsed SDKs to propagate.

carthage archive still uses the hardcoded four 2019-era SDKs.

The carthage cleanup command — existing on-master, but unshipped-in-tags — no longer makes sense (when set of SDKs are non-fixed across Xcode versions) and has been removed.

Dynamic Platform Parsing can occur from xcodebuild -showsdks -json with fallbacks to BuildSetting extraction from a Xcode-bundled xcodeproj, and beyond that falling back to hardcoded 2019-era values.

⤵️ Note: the dynamic parsing will omit SDKs — such as DriverKit — where JSON-derived canonicalName and platform do not share a common prefix · DriverKit has an ouptut canonicalName similar to «driverkit.macosx19.0».

Other Breaking Changes


Security Enhancing Breaking Change

Breaking — For Apps Importing Carthage Kit and XCDBLD

For Apps Importing Carthage Kit and XCDBLD
  • Removed: XCDBLD.Platform — replaced (not one-for-one) by struct SDK with new method SDK.platformSimulatorlessFromHeuristic.
  • Removed: XCDBLD’s enum-based SDK — replaced by struct SDK.
  • Removed: XCDBLD.SDK.platform and XCDBLD.SDK.allSDKs.
  • Changed: Hashing and equality for XCDBLD.SDK is case-insensitive.
    • Canonical casing for SDK names available through SDK.knownIn2019YearSDKs and SDK.setFromJSONShowSDKs.
  • Changed: Various type signature changes removing XCDBLD.Platform and incorporating XCDBLD.SDK.
  • Removed: SDK.from(string:) — replaced by SDK.init(name:simulatorHeuristic).
    • Passing an empty string as simulatorHeuristic is usually the foremost codepath.
    • SDK.init(rawValue:) is not intended for wide spread use · as it’s limited to only 2019-era hardcoded SDKs.
  • Removed: BuildSettings.buildSDKs: SignalProducer<SDK, CarthageError> — replaced with BuildSettings.buildSDKRawNames: Set<String>.
  • Made Public: Various VersionFile-related API. Thanks @acecilia!

Thanks to all Contributors

Thank you to @CosynPa, @sidepelican, @chuganzy, @sstadelman (#2781), @giginet (#2761), @ikesyo (#2886, #2785, #2784), @DavidBrunow (#2966, #2967), @mvalentiner, @gubikmic, @sticksen, @nteissler, @ismetanin, @brandonlee503, @yhkaplan, and @tmspzz for improvements to the codebase, tests, and documentation.

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1、 Carthage.pkg 4.74MB
