版本发布时间: 2020-06-13 14:41:21
linkedin/Burrow最新发布版本:v1.8.0(2024-04-24 22:01:42)
- #636 - @bai - Update sarama to the latest bugfix release, Go 1.14.3
- #632 - @bai - Update sarama with a fix for Shopify/sarama#1692
- #628 - @mwain - Add Prometheus Metrics Exporter
- #598 - @rjh-yext - Add SASL-SCRAM ability to Kafka connection
- #627 - @klDen - Fixes Travis CI build of PR 598
- #631 - @bai - Add support for Kafka 2.5.0 and Go 1.14
1、 Burrow_1.3.4_checksums.txt 297B
2、 Burrow_1.3.4_darwin_amd64.tar.gz 6.3MB
3、 Burrow_1.3.4_linux_amd64.tar.gz 6.02MB
4、 Burrow_1.3.4_windows_amd64.tar.gz 5.97MB