版本发布时间: 2020-05-02 14:53:42
seagle0128/.emacs.d最新发布版本:v7.1.0(2023-08-01 00:10:37)
- [Feature] Prettify counsel-imenu.
- [Feature] Save and load frame parameters (size & position).
- [Feature] New Option: centaur-server.
- [Optimize] don't display icons it too many items in dired.
- [Feature] New option `centaur-icon': Display icons or not.
- [Feature] Support fullscreen while recovering frame.
- [Doc] Introduce the minimal configurations.
- [Feature] Auto select the fastest ELPA mirror at the first startup.
- [Feature] Save theme option to custom.el.
- [Feature] Auto theme: theme-switching based on daytime
- [Feature] Load random theme.
- [Feature] New option `centaur-lsp-format-on-save-ignore-modes'.
- [Enhancement] Improve forge topic list.
- [Feature] Better yasnippet integration in company.
- [Enhancement] Improve icons in dired, ibuffer, ivy and treemacs.
- Add org-roam.
- Bug fixes and other improvements.