版本发布时间: 2020-04-24 14:17:26
ant-design/ant-design-pro-layout最新发布版本:v6.3.0(2020-07-27 19:17:24)
- 🐛bugfix: 修复title 非string时导致的错误场景 (#409) e6203dec
- Update puppeteer to version 3.0.1 (#427) 23dd1f04
- 📝 docs: 修改错别字 (#424) 2f0b15af
- 修改错别字 (#412) 1a8e257a
- 🐛 bugfix: fix router base no work warning(#408) 111c8c78
- 💄 UI: Fix the wrong calculation of the content width on the right (#407) 94660542
- 🔥 codestyle: prettier all code (#399) 6c11ac68
- Update @testing-library/react to version 10.0.2 (#389) 744183a8
- 💄 UI:better dark theme (#398) 1cbae499
- build(deps-dev): bump @testing-library/react from 9.5.0 to 10.0.2 (#394) b470ce02