


版本发布时间: 2020-03-02 00:08:34

yewstack/yew最新发布版本:yew-v0.21.0(2023-09-29 19:14:55)

web-sys support has arrived!

@daxpedda spear-headed the effort and courageously integrated web-sys while maintaining support for stdweb through no small amount of cfg macro usage. We chose to continue support for apps built with stdweb because the dev experience is still quite a bit better (Unfortunately cargo-web is incompatible with web-sys). However, the Yew team recognizes that the future of cargo-web of stdweb are uncertain. For this reason, we recommend devs start making the switch over to web-sys and wasm-bindgen. We will likely invest in improving the dev experience with these tools so that switching over is eventually a no-brainer. Please reach out with ideas and feedback for this migration through Github issues and in our Gitter chatroom!

After upgrading to v0.13, devs will now have to opt in to either stdweb or web-sys by using either the "web_sys" or "std_web" on the yew crate in their Cargo.toml.

# Choose `stdweb`
yew = { version = "0.13", features = ["std_web"] }

# Choose `web-sys`
yew = { version = "0.13", features = ["web_sys"] }

Lastly, take note that API docs on will be using the "web_sys" feature. For "std_web" docs, please visit


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