


版本发布时间: 2015-12-31 03:59:43

bft-smart/library最新发布版本:v1.2(2018-09-30 23:17:11)

Lastest version of the BFT-SMaRt library (v1.1 beta). Includes source code, binary, javadoc and runscripts.

This version does not provide any new features in relation to the previous one (v1.0 beta), but it does include a significant amount of bug fixes, changes in the code, and a few modifications to the replication protocol.

Protocol alterations:

  1. After sending a STOP message, each replica will now periodically re-transmitted it. This is necessary for cases where a replica that recovered from a failure does not return to the system in time to receive enough STOP messages from the other replicas. Consequently the synchronization phase may not complete in such scenario.

  2. Under CFT mode, a replica now updates its timestamp/value pair immediately after receiving a (valid) PROPOSE message (or at the end of the synchronization phase), This must be done because the original consensus algorithm requires a a quorum of WRITE messages before updating this pair, but CFT mode bypasses the WRITE phase completely. Since in CFT mode replicas are expected to fail only by crashing, this does not break the correctness of the protocol.

  3. Replicas now will only stop executing consensus instances after collecting 2f+1 STOP messages. This was done to avoid a corner case where a system with a single client would block, which can happen if:

    1. There is only one client sending requests;
    2. One replica is crashed;
    3. One of the three correct replicas timeout before being able to order the request (assuming f = 1, n =4).

    This would not be a problem if the library did not support read-only invocations, which require only f+1 replies from replicas (which is in accordance to the specification of the Mod-SMaRt protocol). But with read-only invocations, clients need to wait for a Byzantine quorum of replies.

  4. Standard state transfer now randomly selects a replica to ask for the full state. Implemented to deal with a corner case where a leader change may not ever finish if:

    1. The new leader is late and needs to ask for a state transfer;
    2. The timeout for requests is shorter than the state transfer timeout.
  5. The state transfer is now obligated to send a proof for the last decided consensus, so that a recovered replica can obtain a CertifiedDecision object. This is necessary to ensure that any recovered replica can send its proof for its last consensus if the synchronization phase is triggered immediately after a recovered replica finishes installing the state.

    Furthermore, replicas that are asked for the state should now check if they indeed have a proof for the requested state up to the specified consensus instance. If they do not, they should reply in the same way as if they did not had the state requested. However, a proof is never needed in CFT mode.

  6. Lastly, there is a small, yet important correction to the Mod-SMaRt protocol: the content of the requests will now be validated before being stored and marked as pending requests. This is done to avoid malicious clients from forcing all correct replicas to propose invalid requests. If all correct replicas proposed invalid requests once they become leaders, the consensus instance would never decide anything, since all correct replicas refuse to send WRITE messages to invalid content. However, it is not necessary to perform any such verification under CFT mode.

Code modifications:

Bug fixes:


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